Engineering is essentially what makes a civilization progress. Without engineers and engineering، humans would be living in caves. Every great  society has had its engineers، and completed great engineering feats. Unfortunately, in the recent past, engineering has not been very popular with Maldivian students. One reason is that, in the push for universalization of secondary education, only the cheaply taught commerce subjects were offered to secondary school students; science subjects were not offered. Without science, (and without mathematics) engineering is not possible; for engineering is the application of science and mathematics for solving human problems.

In this section, I am including some articles on engineering that I have written over the years.

މަތިންދާބޯޓު ހެދުމާ ބެހޭ އެންޖިނިއަރިން

Aeronautical Engineering

މަތިންދާބޯޓާއި އެފަދަ އުޅަނދުތައް ފަރުމާ ކުރުމާ ބެހޭ ލިޔުންތަކަށް މިހާރު އައު ޕޭޖެއް ވެއެވެ. އެ ޕޭޖަށް ދިއުމަށް ތަޞްވީރަށް އޮބާލައްވާ.

Articles and resources on aircraft/wing-in-ground craft engineering have a new page now. Click the image to go there.

ސިވިލް އެންޖިނިއަރިން

Civil Engineering

ސިނަމާލޭ ބުރިޖު ގެ އެންޖިނިއަރިން އާ މެދު

The engineering of the Male’ to Hulhule Bridge [SinaMale’ Bridge]
Male’ – Hulhule Bridge 1

Bridge types and viable designs

ފާލަންވައްތަރުތަކާއި ކަމާގުޅޭ ފާލަންތައް

Male’ – Hulhule Bridge 2

Bridge piles and pile caps

ފާލަން މުޑިތަކާއި މަކުޑިތައް

Male’ – Hulhule Bridge 3

Bridge concrete

ފާލަން ހަދާ ކޮންކްރީޓް

Male’ – Hulhule Bridge 4

Bridge beams and post-tensioning

ކޮންކްރީޓް ދިގު ބެރި ހަދާގޮތް

Male’ – Hulhule Bridge 5

The construction of arch bridges

ދުނި ފާލަން ހަދާ ގޮތްތައް

Rebuilding the vintage official jetty

މާލޭގައި ކުރިން ހުރި ރަސްމީ ފާލަން ރާއްޖެތެރޭގެ ރަށެއްގައިއަލުން ހެދުން

އިލެކްޓްރިކް/އިލެކްޓްރޮނިކް އެންޖިނިއަރިން

Electrical/Electronics engineering

Neutral wire in switches – new rule

ސްވިޗުތެރެއިންނިއުޓްރަލް ގެންދިއުން

Electrical plugs: Which is the best?

ކަރަންޓް ޓޮޕްގެ އާރތު ފައިކަށި ބޮޑީ ކީއްވެ؟

Jointing cables in home-wiring

ވައިރުކުރުމުގައި ނަރު ގުޅުވުން

Revised wiring regulations

ރާއްޖޭގެ ވައިރުކުރުމުގައި ހަމަތަކަށް ގެނެވުނު ބަދަލު

The adoption of PV systems in the Maldives: A technological review

ރާއްޖޭގައި ސޯލާ ސިސްޓަމް ބެހެއްޓުން: ކުރު ޚުލާޞާއެއް