ބިނާވެށި ފަރުމާކުރުން


Urban planning

How not to do jogging tracks

ޖޮގިން ޓްރެކް އަޅަން ނުވާ ގޮތް

TB Windows and air shafts

އިންވެގެން ހުރި ގެ ބުރިބުރިއަށް ބިނާކުރުމުން، ގޭގެ ވައިގޮޅި ބަންދުވުން. ދެން ހަދާނީ ކިހިނެއް؟

Solving Male' parking problem

މާލޭ ޕާރކިން މައްސަލައިގެ ޙައްލަކީ ކޮބާ؟

The making of Male' Urban Mess: Part 1— From prehistory to the 1920s

ތާރީޚީ ނަޒަރަކުން މާލޭގެ ބިނާވެއްޓަށް ބަލައިލުން 1

The making of Male' Urban Mess: Part 2— From 1930s to 1970s

ތާރީޚީ ނަޒަރަކުން މާލޭގެ ބިނާވެއްޓަށް ބަލައިލުން 2

On the Destruction of Heritage Architecture

ބިހުރޯޒު މިސްކިތް ތަޅައިލުން

Improving traffic flow in Male'

މާލޭގެ ޓްރެފިކް މައްސަލަތައް ހައްލުކުރުމަށް ކުރެވޭނީ ކޮން ކަމެއް؟

Improving acoustics of classrooms and mosques

ބޮޑެތި ޖާގަތަކުގައި އަޑު ރިވެލިވުން ހުއްޓުވުން

Housing Guidelines for Small Nations 1

ގެދޮރު އެޅުމުގެ ހަމަތައް … 1

Rebuilding the vintage official jetty

މާލޭގައި ކުރިން ހުރި ރަސްމީ ފާލަން ރާއްޖެތެރޭގެ ރަށެއްގައިއަލުން ހެދުން

Preserving the character of our islands

ރާއްޖޭގެ ހިތްގައިމު ރަށްތަކުގެ މަލަމަތި ހަޑި ނުކުރަމާތޯ އެވެ؟

Preserving the character of our islands

ރާއްޖޭގެ ހިތްގައިމު ރަށްތަކުގެ މަލަމަތި ހަޑި ނުކުރަމާތޯ އެވެ؟

Rebuilding the gateway to inner harbour

ކުރީގެ ނެރު ބައްތި އަލުން ހަދަމާތޯއެވެ؟

Bedroom Design by International Residential Code
Toilet Design by International Residential Code
2019 Male’ Fire: Electrical faults and fire
2019 Male’ Fire: Implications for Planning Guidelines
Flood control in small islands
City block size and road widths
Rehabilitating Male’–Hulhumale’ highway
Relocating government secretarial to relieve congestion in Male’

History of Maldivian Architecture

Architectural records from the medieval times to 1900.

Traditional Lineal Measures

Traditional Shelters

This page is being constructed…


History of Maldivian Architecture Part 1: Records of medieval visitors

History of Maldivian Architecture Part 2: Traditional lineal measures

History of Maldivian Architecture Part 3: Shelters (in development)

History of Maldivian Architecture Part 4: The basic house

History of Maldivian Architecture Part 5: Mosques

History of Maldivian Architecture Part 6: Some old significant buildings

History of Maldivian Architecture Part 7: Architectural education

Urban Planning: Air Shafts and TB Windows

Urban Planning: How NOT to do Jogging Tracks

Urban Planning: The Problem of Parking in Male’