About me
Remember, Einstein who said that a life lived for others is only worth living?
What we do for ourselves dies with us… it is what we do for others and the community that transcends humans from animal existence. Yet, to do what we can for others, our tale of years has to be told. So here is a shortform CV.
But, do not judge me from the past. I no longer live there.
Born 7th May 1960 in Male’
Residence: Marilia, Male’, Maldives
(This page has not been updated since 2019. Photos are at end).
Doctor of Philosophy
“Critical Thinking Dispositions: Assessment and Enhancement by infusion in Physics”
University of Waikato, New Zealand
Master of Education
“Remediating misconceptions in chemical equilibrium using a Computer Assisted Instructional strategy”
Edith Cowan University, Australia, 1993
Post-Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies with Distinction
Major in Computer Education
Western Australian College of Advanced Education, 1990
[Post-Graduate] Diploma in Education
Computer Studies and Science
University of Tasmania, 1984
Bachelor of Science
Information Science and Physics
University of Tasmania, 1983
Higher Secondary School Certificate
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics,
Rosny College, Tasmania, Australia, 1979
Vice Chancellor
The Maldives National University
November 2011 till July 2015 (Resigned and got engaged in writing)
Interim Vice-Chancellor
The Maldives National University, Maldives
15th Feb 2011 till Nov 2011.
Maldives College of Higher Education
1st February 2001 — 14th February 2011
Maldives College of Higher Education,
1st October 1998 — 31st January 2001
Director General
Educational Development Centre
Male,’ Maldives
17th September 1998 — 30th September 1998
Chief Curriculum Coordinator
Educational Development Centre
Male,’ Maldives
20th July 1997 — 16th September 1998
Deputy Principal
Majeediyya School
Male,’ Maldives
30th January 1991— 4th April 1994
Secondary School Supervisor
Majeediyya School,
Male, Maldives
1985 — 1988
Physics Teacher
Majeediyya School,
February 1984 — 1985
This section lists only the most significant of the many awards I have received.
- National Award of Encouragement for Public Service (in the area of Education), Aammu Khidhmathah Hivvarudhinumuge Inaam (Thauleemuge dhaairaa in). 2000.
- National Special Prize for the Awarding of Doctor of Philosophy, 1997. 3. National Special Prize for Producing a Thesis adjudged Outstanding by the Western Australian College of Advanced Education, 1993. 4. The Western Australian Institute of Educational Administration Prize, 1990.
Professional training courses of significant duration are listed.
- Training Workshop on Financial Governance and Management of Investment Projects, Asian Development Bank, Sri Lanka, 2004.
- Establishing Quality Management System through ISO 9001:2000 Certification for TET, Malaysia, CPSC, 2002.
- Training Course on Writing Primary Science Books, Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO, Japan, 1992.
- Workshop on Making Science, Technology and Mathematics Relevant, Singapore, 1986
- UNESCO Workshop on “Science for All” Islamabad, Pakistan, 1985
- Course on Student Evaluation for Vocational Courses, CPSC-Ministry of Education, Male’, 1985.
- Television Studio Techniques. Rosny College, Tasmania Australia, 1979.
- Film-making. Rosny College, Tasmania Australia, 1979.
“Essential Mathematics,” Volume 1,
Educational Development Centre, Male’, Maldives , 1985
“Essential Mathematics,” Volume 2,
Educational Development Centre, Male’, Maldives, 1986
Co-author and Editor:
“Essential Science,” Volume 1,
Educational Development Centre, 1992
Education in the Maldives: 1900–2015 | Policies, Themes and Outcomes
[First 30 pages here] Dhivehi Publishing Group, Male’ Maldives, 2019
The China-Maldives Friendship Bridge: A Dream Realized
[Sample spreads here] Dhivehi Publishing Group, Male’ Maldives, 2019
Imaam Ghazali: Deliverance from Error (in print)
Having preferred unassumingness over self-aggrandizement, I have not allowed many books, theses and other documents I edited to carry my name. Nevertheless, the ones below do.
“Social Studies”
Condensed Education Programme (CEP3)
Non-formal Education Centre, Male’, 1999.
“Hisaabu” (Mathematics)
Condensed Education Programme (CEP3)
Non-formal Education Centre, Male’, 1999.
“Dheenee Dharubiyyathu” {Religious Upbringing}
Condensed Education Programme (CEP3)
Non-formal Education Centre, Male’, 1999.
Condensed Education Programme (CEP3)
Non-formal Education Centre, Male’, 1999.
Condensed Education Programme (CEP3)
Non-formal Education Centre, Male’, 1999.
Content Editor:
“Social Studies 2” Grade 7.
Educational Development Centre, Male’, 2003.
Part of Book:
“Spring Wind from Asia” [in Japanese],
Kodansha, Tokyo, 1995
Project Lead:
“Dhivehi Basfoiy”
The 1200-page official dictionary of Dhivehi Language published for the first time as a single volume by Centre for Dhivehi Language and History. 2011.
Unpublished Manuscript
A First Course in Structured Programming, 1987
“Basfoiy 2000.”
Programmer and project management on voluntary basis. This program, for the first time, enabled the Dhivehi Language dictionary to be printed as a single book apart from being able to look up words for meanings on a computer.
Adaptation of a Hebrew word processor to write Thaana. Together with Access, another program I introduced for Thaana, they successfully killed the monopoly of multilingual software that was being then sold in the Maldives at exorbitant prices. This development enabled the ordinary public to write Thaana on computers.
Thaana Fonts
More than 20 fonts have been designed and released to the public. They include the most commonly used fonts such as A_Waheed, AammuFK, etc. and others
Other minor works include the bell-ringing systems for several schools in Male’ making the tedious task of timely bell ringing a minor matter, for the first time.
Journal and Magazine articles
Too many to list in short-form CV. This website contains over 230 articles of which some goes on for over 100 pages. Research articles are on Researchgate. Over 100 researched articles in print medium. Examples follow:
Experimental Research article:
“Facilitating Conceptual Change in Chemical Equilibrium Using a CAI Strategy,” International Journal of Science Education, (3), 15, 1992, pp. 221-230.
Science article:
Trees cool the air not because it provides shade from the sun. {Gasgahun finivanee hiyaavaatheekee nooneve. }, Dharuma, July 2001, pp. 8–9.
Technology article:
Producing water using multi-effect solar desalination {Fah asarun avin fen ufadhdhaane goiy}, Dharuma, May 2004, pp. 61–64.
Obituary article:
Nasir niyaavun {The death of Nasir}, Dharuma, November 2009, pp. 2–8.
Language article:
Dhivehi language and dialects {Dhivehi bahaai bahuruva}. Published on-line on fanvai.info. Retrieved on 22nd June 2011. http://www.fanvai.info/dhivehi/maadhareebas/836-2009-06-12-15-38-09.html. To be republished in Faiythoora, July 2011.
Education article:
On education {Thauleemaa medhu}. The educational philosophy of Mohamed Asad. Dharuma, July 2005/
Literature article:
Iqbal aa eku haveeru kurun {An appreciation of Sir Iqbal’s poetry}, Dharuma, January 2004, pp. 52–57.
Relationship article:
Where are all the good men? {Hurihaa ragalhu firihenun kobai heyyeve?} Dharuma, August 2006, pp. 27–30. Under pseudonym.
Health article:
Heart Damage {Hiiy halaakuvun}, Dharuma, February 2003, pp. 10 – 17.
Agriculture article:
Ultrapeat: an easy path to prosperity for rural communities {Ultrapeat: rah fushuge thanavaskamah faseyha mageh}. Dharuma, August 2003, pp. 15–18.
Fisheries article:
Smoking fish without tears {Karunayaa nulai mahugai dhila jessun}. Dharuma, September 2002, pp. 16–19.
Nationalism article:
Dhivehi Raajje nethidhiun. [The Ending of Dhivehi Raajje (Maldives)], Al-Manhaju,2003, Kulliyathu Dhiraasaathil Islaamiyya.
Cooking and kitchen-craft article:
Hudhaage haluvaa hedhun. {Halva making by Hudhaa}. Dharuma, April 2008, pp.26–31.
Travelogue article:
Dhivehi Sayyahegge galamun … Paris {Paris…. By a Dhivehi Traveller}, Published online on fanvai.info, 2009, http://www.fanvai.info/dhivehi/maadhareebas/1081–01.html
Translation article:
The Dhivehi Translation of all the words beginning with A of Oxford Paperback Dictionary. “A” ge Radheef, Dharuma, October 2003, 46 pages.
Publications are in the public domain and are easily accessible.
Improving the processing of election results: Report of the Study Group
Role: Principal author [2002]
Commissioned by: The President of the Maldives
The prevalence of private tuition among government school children of Male’
Role: Principal author and researcher [1998]
Commissioned by: The President of the Maldives
School Curriculum Changes for 1999
Role: Author [1998]
Commissioned by: The Minister of Education
Student Ideas for Enhancing Learning at Science Education Centre
Role: Author [1997]
Commissioned by: The Minister of Education
A comparison of the syllabuses of the Institute of Islamic Studies and ULEAC (GCE (OL)
Role: Principal Author [1995]
Commissioned by: The Minister of Education
I have presented papers, convened or participated in many conferences, workshops and seminars. The following lists only some of the most relevant ones of consequence.
The Second World Conference on Higher Education
UNESCO, Paris, 2009. Participant.
Tertiary Education in Small States: Planning in the context of globalization.
Paper presenter. UNESCO, Paris, July 2-3, 2009
National Symposium on School Curriculum
Ministry of Education, September 2009
Heads of schools conferences
Regular paper presenter on many of these annual and sometimes biennial conferences or meetings. 1997 — 2011
Most recent presentation: School Improvement Informed by Research, 26th December 2010, Velaanaage Meeting Room, Ministry of Education.
National Meeting of Dhivehi Writers
July 19-20, 2000. Male’
Presenter: “Thaana: A Challenge to Information Technology”
National Centre for Linguistic and Historical Research
World Conference on Science
Budapest, 1999
Education for the 21st Century in the Asia-Pacific Region
UNESCO Conference Melbourne, Australia
Participant, 1998
Quality Improvement of the Teaching-Learning Process in Secondary Schools in Male’
Presentation: Lesson Planning
Ministry of Education, August 1991
Workshop on Secondary Curriculum
Secretary of Steering Committee and Researcher for background papers.
Ministry of Education, 12-14th October 1986.
[Note: Not updated since 2010]
Governing Board, Member,
South Asian University, New Delhi, India
2010 — present
Meetings of the Heads of University Grants Commissions/Equivalent Bodies
Maldives Representative.
2003 — present.
Bas Kometee, Member
National Centre for Linguistic and Historical Research, 2010, 2011
Steering Committee for the Establishment of the South Asian University
Maldives Representative
Regulatory Board, Member
Maldives Qualifications Authority
2011 — present
Nursing Council, Member
Ministry of Health
2005 —2010
Board of Health Sciences, Member
Ministry of Health
Chairman, Governing Board
Telecom Authority of Maldives
2003— 2008
Scholarship Board, Member,
Ministry of Human Resources] | Labour |Employment.
1998 — present
Graduate Representative,
Policy Advisory Group,
Centre for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Research, University of Waikato, 1996.
Science Education Study Group, Member, (Secretary, 1996), Centre for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Research, University of Waikato, 1994 — 1996.
Advisory Committee on Running In-service Programmes for Middle School Teachers, Member, Institute for Teacher Education, Male’ 1992— 1994
Member (Chairman, 1994) Organizing Committee of the Interschool Science Exhibitions, Ministry of Education, Male’ 1992 — 1994
Science Panel, Member,
Educational Development Centre, Male’
1984 — 1994
Apart from certified skills and abilities noted above, sufficient mastery to make a living from:
Calligraphy (English and Dhivehi)
Calligrapher for Latin and Thaana. For example, I hand-wrote the official State invitations, parchments, and rolls of honour for the State Visits to the Maldives of Rajiv Gandhi, (Indian Prime Minister), Hussain Muhammad Ershad (Bangladeshi President) and Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (Pakistani Prime Minister). [Note: very important invitations are always hand-written as are certificates. For example, all Nobel Prize Certificates are hand-written.]
Graphic arts and design (including photography and video)
Many book covers, certificates, invitations, logos, etc. have been designed and printed. Samples are available on request. Decades of experience with relevant software applications. Familiar with building design principles and practices. Buildings costing over Rf100 million have been designed. Conversant with Autocad and residential and commercial building guidelines. Can recall most international residential guidelines from memory.
Electronics and Electrical installations
Life-long passion for electronics and electricals. Practical experience in designing circuits: from crystal radios to complex digital ones. Practical experience in house-wiring with sound theoretical knowledge. Used to teach electronics in Advanced Science course in a Tasmanian school for sometime.
Practised experience of wood-working skills in straight-line (thedhu-ui vadaan) carpentry for household projects, such as setting up ceilings, building shelves and cabinets, fixing doors, etc.
Masonry and Building Works
Practical experience of bar-bending, rebar tying, concrete mixing, shuttering-works, walls, tiling, plumbing, etc. with sound theoretical knowledge.
Touch typist: speed >40 words per minute (both Dhivehi and English). Advanced knowledge of InDesign, Photoshop, CorelDraw, HTML, Microsoft applications, etc.
We age not by years, but by stories. There are so many…
The Teen years
The Twenties
The Thirties
The Late Thirties
The Fifties