އެކި ކަބަލުންުންނާއި ކަލުންގެ ދިރިއުޅުއްވުމުން ލިބުނު ޢިބްރަތްތައް
އެ ހަނދާނުގައި……
I then ask myself what if we are to live forever. Then majority on Earth would be frail people thousands of years old. Next would be to wish for each to remain at some age… but each would differ… what then? If the argument is carried forward, one comes to the realization that death is natural—and a blessing.
The death of some people change the way you live and your attitude to life. Obituaries are easy to write when you have grown to admire and respect the people who have had an impact on you. The following obituaries are of those people from whom I had learnt important lessons to steer my life. Perhaps, the obituaries have a lesson for you.
The layout of the published articles was undertaken by me, usually using InDesign, or Pagemaker, if earlier.
Aminath Faiza — a well known poet. In her twilight years she became a friend to me. This PDF document was issued at a meeting held to remember her contributions to society. By clicking the image, my obituary on her may be read.
އާމިނަތު ފާއިޒާގެ ހަނދާނުގައި….. ދިވެހި ޅެންވެރިކަމުގެ ގުލްޒާރުގައި ފޮޅުނު ޑޭޒީމާ. ފޮޓޯއިން އެޗްޓީއެމްއެލް ލިޔުން.
Abdul Ghani Abdul Rahman. FET Director, He died while in employment. This link takes you to a memorial book let published by me and his secretary. Photo takes you to an obit I wrote for Dharuma.
ޢަބްދުލްޣަނީ ޢަބްދުއްރަޙްމާނު. — ވަޒީފާއި ހުންނަވަނިކޮށް ނިޔާވި އެފް.އީ.ޓީ ގެ ޑިރެކްޓަރ. ފޮޓޯއިން ”ދަރުމަ“ގައި އަޅުގަނޑު ޝާއިޢުކުރި ލިޔުމެއް. މި ބައިން އޭނާގެ ހަނދާނުގައި ނެރުނު ލުއިފޮތެއް. މި ލިންކު އަދި ގުޅާފައެއް ނުވެއެވެ.
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